Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Tsunami

I happen to believe that I have a great sense of humor. Some of you may disagree (you obviously have not been around me after a couple of glasses of wild vines....good times), but hopefully most of you concur. Yet, after just one week of teacher's college, I feel like the funny has been sucked right out of me. I'm beat, worn down and totally done. If I didn't want to be a teacher so freakin bad, I'd throw in the towel!

For the past 3 years, while I worked on my undergrad, I never had a moment where I wanted to quit. Ok, well I might have had that thought at 3 am while working on an essay, but never within the first week of school. I couldn't wait to start learning and thinking. It frightens me that I was dreading teacher's college by day three.

My fellow students appear to be so much more in control. They nod in agreement when the profs say things like "metacognitive learning is a vital aspect of childhood education." My embarrassing snort! On Tuesday, we were split into smaller groups to create a team cheer. While my colleagues choreographed a song and dance to Beyonce' "Single Ladies", I hit the proverbial brick wall. I couldn't even write down the words without shaking and I misspelled several words. I need to get my shit together and fast!

For the past 5 days, everyone who knows a thing or two about the faculty of Ed. program (i.e. professors, grads, the nice lady at the Timmies next to my school) would not shut up about how intense the program is. They also highly recommended that I say goodbyes now cause I won't be seeing any friends and family until at least Easter. They handed me the syllabus on Monday and after reading it over, I though 'gee, it's a lot of work but if I budget my time properly it is manageable.' Then I found out that this was the syllabus for only one of the SIX classes I've enrolled in. WTF?!?!?! To make us feel better, the professors quietly added that we (the pathetic students) were also responsible for submitting lesson plans and reflective journals every Friday. OMG!!!

I feel as if there is a tsunami heading straight for me and there isn't a darn thing I can do to stop it. My only chance for survival is to be 100% totally organized. So I've organized my binder, filled in my calendar and loaded up my Timmies quick-pay card; basically everything I think I can do to prepare. But will it be enough? Will I be strong enough to survive the metaphoric waves? Or will I just let them pull me under? I guess only time will tell.

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