I recently had dinner with some of the funniest and brightest women I know. Before the pinot grigio kicked in (and the conversation became rated R), someone asked “if you could change one thing from your younger years, what would it be?”
Now, I strongly believe in the idea that everything happens for a reason, so I’m reluctant to pin point one thing I would change. Instead, I thought, if I could be a sort of mentor to my 16 year old self, what would I tell myself? So here’s the advice I wish someone had given me 15 years ago.
1. Popularity wanes, brains stay forever. Embrace your intelligence and don’t
worry what the ‘cool’ kids think - they won’t amount to anything spectacular.
2. He got the toilet paper from the bathroom, so don’t ask. You’ll just end up looking like an idiot!
3. The van does not belong to his friend. Don’t get in!
4. Brockville is worth the resulting two months of grounding. Enjoy yourself.
5. Tim Horton’s won’t always have a pie counter - indulge while you still can.
6. Sign up for Latin in grade 10. Pineridge is not worth your time.
7. Ms. Vanwow is just trying to teach Latin to a bunch of hormonal teenagers, give her a break.
8. Forget about the perm, you’ll look ridiculous.
9. When you go to university, sit in the front row, pay attention and learn. It is way harder to do it when you have 3 kids hanging off of you.
10. You will have 3 boys. Don’t worry though, you’ll learn to love hockey.
11. Apply to teacher’s college in 1997. By the time you are 33, you’ll have 10 years experience, and probably a student teacher following you!
12. That geeky computer thing called the internet will take off. Find the founders of Google and make them your friends!
13. Travel - road trips to Wonderland don’t count.
14. Stick with the good guys. The bad ones will only break your heart. The good ones will support and love you no matter what.
15. You are not fat!
16. 30 is not old!
17. Why are you smoking? So not cool, my dear
18. Don’t bother with history. It’s way too hard and boring. Go with sociology, it’s the closest thing you’ll find to a degree in conspiracy theories.
19. Stand up for your "sista", she’ll still have your back in 15 years.
20. Moisturize.
21. The suede vest is so not worth it, save your money and buy something from Kmart.
22. Be nice to your bus driver. She gets paid very little to deal with your crap!
23. Most importantly, enjoy life. You’ll love (most of) it!
I would add one more. You will meet an awesome grey haired lady fifteen years from now. Become her friend, you will enrich her life in ways you will only understand later.