Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Curse you Snooki!

I’m in a grade six class for the next 4 months. And asides from the math being WAY harder than grade 3 (when you think of perimeter, area and irregular polygons, I know you’re thinking good times, good times, now pass the big bottle of SWV!) , the hormones are in full swing with these kids. It’s like teaching to a class of bi-polar lunatics! One minute their saying “good morning, Mrs. G, lovin’ the purple sweater” and the next they’re killing me with their eye rolling and the “gee, Mrs. G, why do you have to be so stupid” stares!

I am enjoying the fact that I can joke and be sarcastic with this group of kids, way more than with the grade 3’s. What would have made the 3’s cry, makes the “mature” 6’s laugh. I can also talk to these kids at an almost adult level (well that might depend on which adult I’m talking to). We “debrief” about the latest episode of Jersey shores, and discuss the pathetic merits of being a leafs fan.

However, I’m not enjoying the lectures I now have to give. Take this afternoon for example. I had to “remind” them that it’s respectful to actually listen to someone when they’re speaking. And that it is absolutely disrespectful to turn towards said speaker and then turn your back (as if to say “screw you Mrs. G, we’re talking about way more important stuff….see debriefing Jersey Shores) I also had to “talk” to them about community in the classroom and why it’s not nice to laugh when someone does poorly on a test - a test which said teaser did just as bad if not worse on.

But as I reflect (cause asides from lesson planning and essay writing, that’s all I do nowadays) back on this teachable moment, I had one of those moments when you think to yourself “Dammit, why didn’t I say that”. You must know those moments; typically happens as your walking away from a confrontation in an unnamed parking lot with some ‘crazy’ hockey mom….this happens to you right? RIGHT?

Anywho, I could have had the kids all raise their hands, and said “put your hand down if you’ve ever had a bad day, done poorly on an assignment or been embarrassed in class” which of course (hopefully) would have resulted in everyone putting their hand down. Then I could have started a chorus version of Kumbaya and had a group hug. But this is real life people, and these kids have never heard of Kumbaya. On a side note, when I assigned a map labeling project as homework and told them to reference an atlas, their response was “oh no, Mrs G don’t you mean Google Earth?”

When I called for the classes’ attention (“1,2,3…eyes on me” and “if you hear my voice clap once….”) in grade 3, everyone turned and listened attentively. In grade 6, they do the clapping, but promptly continue with their prior activity (again see above mentioned Jersey Shore…I’m beginning to really despise Snooki…..even more). Yesterday, I had to raise my voice, and at one point I shut the classroom door with more force than necessary. I don’t like that these kids are winning the oh-so-fun game of “how far can we push Mrs. G”. I have three boys; I should be an expert at that game. In the past few days, I have turned to heavens and asked for an extra helping of patience more times than I can count.

Despite the fact that I’m dealing with a strange breed of humans (think: a 4 year old trapped in an 11 year olds body, who looks like Justin Bieber and thinks they should be treated like an adult) I am enjoying this new class. And despite the fact that I was “challenged” by a grade 6 math question yesterday, I love that I don’t have to admit that I’m stumped. I can simply say “I already know the answer; I’m challenging you to find it and report back to me”. Oh….I’m good!

Good night people, I have some Jersey Shores episodes to catch up on!

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