Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mangled Mouths and the poop truck

Returning to school at my age wasn’t as glamorous as it sounded.  Sure, I had an excuse to wear my pajamas in public and the student discount was sweet, but the overall experience was very different from when I was there 15 years ago.  First of all, pub nights aren’t as fun when you’re dragging 3 boys along (although I’m pretty sure K could drink me under the table).  And when your professors are younger than you, it’s nearly impossible to plead “my kids are sick and my bills are overdue, so can I please get an extension” because they still live with mom and dad, and think that money grows on trees.  But the biggest drawback of finishing school at my age is that, unlike many of my younger classmates, (who still have OSAP money leftover and are discovering themselves by travelling the world) I need to find a job ASAP.  Having been in school for the past 5 years, I was able to escape the drudgery of full time work because I was “studying”.  But now that my academic career has come to an end, I have no more excuses. 

The very idea of having a double income is enough to drive my husband wild.  Being able to actually afford the finer things in life – like housing, clothing and food – has always been a distant fantasy for my family.  OK, it hasn’t been that tight, but I’m pretty sure Peter is sick and tired of us stealing from him to pay Paul.  C wants me to get a job so badly that instead of “sexting” me, he now forwards me the classifieds.

There is only one little problem – I don’t want to find a full time job (teaching or otherwise).  The past year was so freaking stressful that just thinking about working makes my hair turn a shade of gray that even 10 boxes of Nice n’ Easy couldn’t hide (that’s not to say that gray can and does look regal and fabulous on certain people J)   All I want to do is return to driving the school bus.  Not to brag, but I’m a kick-ass bus driver.  Unlike in the classroom, when I’m on the bus I’m calm, cool and 100% confident in my ability to get the job done.  The heart palpitations and sweaty palms which frequently greeted me at the classroom door don’t even bother showing up the bus stop, cause they know they’re not on the manifest, and the board wouldn’t let them ride with me (inside joke!).  Sure the pay sucks with bus driving, but the hours let me still tend to my “motherly” duties (read: I can nap in the afternoon and dine with my peeps on Thursday mornings)

To ease the hubby’s nerves, I’ve been sending out teaching resumes like crazy. But the fish aren’t biting – actually I think the pond is barren.  Well, not quite.  There are teaching jobs, you just have to know or be sleeping with someone to get them - I’m not that kinda gal.  Seriously, it can take years to get a full time permanent teaching job.  And requires that you be at the beck and call of a school board for the first 2 or 3 years.  That means no steady income, or benefits; two things which I can’t sit around waiting for.  This brings me to the point of this blog (sorry it took so long)

Ask any small child what they want to do when they grow up, and you’ll get a variety of answers.  A firefighter, a teacher, a NHL goalie are common responses.  No one ever, EVER says they want to drive the stinky poop truck that empties septic tanks.  But someone ends up doing this job.  How does that happen?  I found the answer in the strangest place - the orthodontist’s office.

I took the boys to an orthodontia consultation several weeks ago.  And without divulging too many details about the state of my boys’ mouths, I’ll just say that the doctor was booking his trip to Europe before we were out the door.  It’s going to take years and thousands of dollars’ worth of dental work to get the 3 boys’ teeth on the straight and narrow.  Sure, C’s insurance plan through work covers a portion of the cost, but nowhere near what we need it to.  That means that not a single track of metal will touch my boy’s pearly whites until I have a full time job with benefits. 

And that is how someone ends up driving the poop truck.  We all start the journey of life with an endless supply of hopes and dreams, then we become adults and get our asses whooped by reality.  We sign up for the poop truck gig thinking “I’ll just do this until my dream job comes along”, but then kids show up (and we all know how cheap kids are) or the rent goes up and all of a sudden you can’t walk away from the poopy job.  So you suck it up (literally) and keep working the crappy job, just so your kids have a better life than you did, or at least give have a chance to chase their dream job.
This is why I’m so hesitant to pursue jobs outside the realm of education. Sure I went to school for 5 years with the sole goal of becoming a teacher, but there are no jobs and my kids have mangled mouths.  Neither their teeth nor their very dry university funds can wait until I get a permanent teaching job.  But I know with 100% certainty that stepping away from the teaching industry means that I’ll never be back.  Our family will get used to the increased income and benefits, and we won’t be able to afford me walking away to join all of other teacher-wannabes chase jobs. 

So right now, I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.  I want to do the responsible adult thing and get any job.  But I also don’t want to let go of my dream I worked so hard to reach.     Sigh………


  1. First, I would like to thank you for saying my hair looks regal and fabulous. You have committed to the written word the dileema that many people face. I understand C's desire to have a second full time job in the family but I think that you have worked too hard the past 5years as a student, bus driver, mother(and all the work that entails) to give up now. Hang in there Jenn. That being said, selfishly looking forward to Thursday mornings with my awesome friend. Enjoyed reading your blog. By the way, you are permanently on my manefest.

  2. Sorry it took me so long to read this, and yes I do drive the "poop truck", crazy hours, stress etc., and now you do as well, at least your boys will finally get that metal and all the extra luxuries eg. food, Don't stop writing and I shall see sometime over eggs.

    PS: You have no idea how much I miss the schoolbus
