Friday, October 21, 2011

Chicken noodle soup or children: which is more important?

Before I dive into this blog's topic, I have to once again begin with an explanation.  I realize its been a long time since I last blogged.  Some of you were probably concerned that my past life had finally caught up with me and that I was serving time in Kingston.  But don't worry my minons, I've just been well...busy.  So to get you caught up with the happenings of my life, I've created a brief overview of the past few months.  My boys have made me cry, scream, bury my head in shame (literally), laugh until I've almost peed my pants and drink.  I have been busy cheering and yelling at about 548 hockey games. I hacked up a lung with a darn cold that just wont go away. And I have put enough kilometers on my bus that I could have made it to Mexico by now!  Mmmmm, tequila.....

So there you have it.  The synopsis of my life.  With that over and done with, we can move onto the topic of the day, which I haven't quite decided on yet, so pay attention, there may or may not be a quiz at the end.

Believe it or not, but driving a school bus is not as lucrative as you may think. I've been told that there are great perks to being a educational transportation specialist, but I think someone hid them, cause after 10 years of searching I  still can't find them.  Sure, I get to wear 24 layers of clothing  just to stay remotely warm, and theres nothing better than smelling like diesel at the end of a hard days work.  And don't even get me started on the sexy footwear that goes along with the job.  But stock boys at the local grocery store get paid more than me, and that, in my humble opinion, is a problem.  Let's break this down by looking at the responsiblities of a school bus driver verses a nightime stocker (grocery store version, not rapist)

As an educational tranportation specialist, I am solely responsible for the SAFE and TIMELY pick up and delivery of 70 small, innocent children.  I must navigate the treacherous roads of God's country, steer clear of crazy, java drinking commuters, all the while keeping an eye on the bunch of darlings sitting behind me. I must be "professional" when a parent or teenage CHILD, curses and swears at me. I must brave near boiling temperatures in the summer, and in the winter a bone chilling wind so cold it would send the abominable snowman running for his mommy.  And do it all for about minimal wage (sometimes less). 

A stocker must, well, stock.  They ensure that the labels of soup cans are facing the right way, and that the oldest (therefore grossiest) products are front and centre. Thats it.  The hourly rate for the average stocker is about $1.50 more than I make.  Let me remind you, there are no slippy roads, no caffine deprieved commuters, no snot dripping children, only soup cans. And when was the last time a soup can yelled at you?

What the F*CK is wrong with this picture!  Now, I may not be the brightest bulb but I know that soup cans and children are not the same thing.  You drop or dent a soup can and that sucks cause now you have......well...a dented soup can.  Drop or dent a child and that REALLY sucks.  Do you have any idea the amount of paperwork involved in a dented child incident?  Craziness! 

You're probably thinking "gee, if the job stinks so bad, just quit and go work for Bob Loblaws" (that was his real name. Say aloud, it sounds funny!) But heres the thing, despite all the crap and low social status that comes with driving a school bus, I really, really, really like doing it. And while I wouldn't say no to a pay raise, the one thing that would make bus driving perfect is, in the words of the great Aretha Franklin "a little R-E-S-P-E-C-T".  I'm not an idiot, so don't treat me like one. 

If a big-time CEO of a big-time company based out of, for argument sake let's say Cincinnati, wants to improve the safety record of their company, there is no need to invest millions of dollars on gizmos. There is no need to spend a gazillion dollars on gadgets.  All the big-time CEO needs to do is respect their employees.  Let them know that the village idiot could NOT do their job, and let them know this by finally firing the village idiot.  If you do something wrong at your job, you will be let go - plain and simply.  By sending a message that it does take someone special to be a school bus driver, you encourage more diligenous amongst workers.  Cause right now, the good, the bad and the retarded (pls see foot note below) drivers are all lumped together. Which, by the way, is not working. This one-size fits all attitude does not encourage the bad drivers to improve, it makes the good drivers think "why should I freaking bother?"  And children begin to resemble soup cans.

So dear big-time CEO, if you happen to be reading this, please don't invest in another "safety" devices.  Don't make me sit through another training seminar. These tactics don't make for better drivers, only disgruntled ones. Please just let me know that you respect the hard work I do day in and day out. A simply "thank you" would be lovely.  Well that and a sweater at Christmas. 

Footnote: I use the term "retarded" as a means of describing those who just don't have a brain.  I would never use that word to describe those whose daily struggles include asking blatantly obvious questions or meddling in other people's business, for these people I prefer to use the term "Larry".

Good night, I'm here all week - enjoy the roast beef!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, we need to make sure the CEO sees this....

    Bekah and I are still laughing and saying "Bob Loblaws" out loud, fast, over and over.... Bo Blob Laws...

